Proximity Token Reader Maintenance
Dear Club members,
The proximity token reader has been working well but there is now an error with some of the recently issued tokens. This should typically only effect new members that have been added recently.
If you are 'swiping' in and the machine says 'Thank-you' and shows a green light then all is well.
If the machine has previously done this for you but now says 'FAIL' and shows a red light please click here to email me.
Please include:
your name,
your PNZ/membership number,
and the number printed on the token you have.
I will update the machine and it will accept your token again.
If you haven't had a chance to swipe your token recently or are unsure if it is working by all means click the link above, provide the details and I will make sure that they are correct in the proximity token reader.
APC Club Secretary